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  • ROI-targeted SEO services that guarantees you high placement
  • Total compliance to Webmaster guiding principle
  • Select from Standard, Ecommerce or Local SEO Packages
  • Devoted project manager for swift consultation and assistance
  • CompleteTransparency with clients

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In this modern world where technology plays a critical part in every aspect of life, you need to keep your business updated in every way possible. It is the only way through which your business will survive.

For example, if you own a business, to reach millions of people around the world, having a website which describes your business is a must. However, the question is why among millions of websites in the world how people will find your site on top of search engine results page?

Well, that why people like us at JSM Digital Marketing is here to provide the necessary support you require ranking your website in SERP. We do this through search engine optimization (SEO) process. Our Delhi based company performs SEO Kolkata which is effective, and the result of our hard work will be visible to you quickly. ...

Now you may ask what is SEO? Have a look!


This procedure relates to increasing visibility of a website on various search engines that are organic such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. This process comprises elements which are search engine friendly, especially with relevant keyword that aids algorithms of different search engines for indexing them. Our Delhi based company’s experts perform SEO Kolkata adequately which will fetch you results.

Moreover, two kinds of optimization are available namely on-page and off-page. On-page optimization refers to components that are incorporated in web pages such as textual and image content, HTML, etc.

Off-page optimization refers to the process of back linking. It generally means, your website is mentioned in other sites for diverting traffic to a web page being optimized. Hence, through this our Delhi based company performs SEO Kolkata for offering you the results you desire.


There are various reasons as to why your business website needs to have a search engine optimized website. To get the ideal results for your business, SEO is the way to go as it is the ultimate online campaign. Through this method our Delhi based SEO Company Kolkata will help your site to be in the top search results page of search engines. An optimized website will assist your business to have a massive traffic flow which in turn would bring is more potential clients.

Now have a look at the benefits of SEO!


There are several benefits of having search engine optimized services from our Delhi based SEO company Kolkata. Have a look at what they are!

Traffic increment
Increasing visitors is an essential part of our Delhi based SEO company in Kolkata. With the help of reporting tools and analytics, you will be able to see the rise in the number of traffic. Most people opt for this because it is the ideal way of maximizing business efforts.

SEO offers results rather quickly but not immediately. However, when you opt for this service from us, you will notice a steady growth in your number of visitors daily or weekly. Using the tools mentioned above, you can keep track of incoming traffic and watch the sales number improve massively. Hence, our Delhi based SEO Company Kolkata is your ideal choice for such services.

Return on Investment
Most options for internet advertising and stuff offers an adequate reward, but none comes even close to our SEO techniques. Let’s have a look at an example. Suppose, you plan to buy 10,000 visitors from paid ads. It is often observed that only a maximum of two percent traffic turns into customers. However, if you opt for getting 10,000 clicks with SEO’s help, then at least four percent of these visitors will transform into customers.

This clearly shows that with our Delhi based SEO services Company in Kolkata provide you at least double the ROI than any other method offers.

A high rate of conversion is another SEO benefits which no other form of internet marketing can match or even come close to like our Delhi based SEO company in Kolkata. When people search for a product on Google or Yahoo, they land on your website if it contains the tag which the people seek.

This way people who are searching for products which your company sells discover your website and increase the chance of sales. Traffic which you get from Google or other search engines is more valuable than which comes from ads. Hence, our Delhi based SEO Services Company in Kolkata is the way to go!

Reasonable pricing than other advertising forms
Organic listings happen to be generally free. If your website is at the top of search engine results page, then you wouldn’t require opting for pay per click option. Moreover, if this is the case, then you wouldn’t need to spend a colossal amount on advertising also.
An essential advantage of our Delhi based SEO Services Company in Kolkata is that it keeps on bringing in more traffic. With the upfront payment which is required for search engine optimization services and effort from our side, your website will have a consistent flow of traffic. Like pay per click, you wouldn’t have to pay for every time a person clicks on the ad.

Furthermore, unlike these pay per click ads, your visitors will be continuous even if you stop the service and stay at top. Also, our Delhi based SEO services Kolkata eliminates having thousands of ads of your product across the internet.

Top results get maximum clicks
Statistics show that 60% of the visitors only check or click on the results which are displayed on the first page of search engines. So, it means only 40% of traffic go to the second page, and this number decreases with every page.

Now you already know that Google and other search engines show hundreds of pages for each keyword. So, having a top spot on Google’s pages is a definite way you can have a significant traffic flow.

We through our Delhi based company performs modern SEO services Kolkata assist you in securing that top spot you need. It is the only way to achieve the top spot and get the desired outcome. Through this, you can make sales number go through the roof.

Increase brand credibility
Google is a search engine which people trusts more than anything. Hence, according to visitors, sites which rank at the top of Google’s list are reliable and trustworthy. By getting services from our Delhi based SEO company in Kolkata, you rank at the top and is seen as a reputable organization. This, in turn, increases your brand’s name. Competitors will be trying to beat you, which shows that you are at the top of your game.

Now if you have a low ranking in SERP, people will be skeptical about your company, and you will have a small number of visitors to your page.

No ad can top the credibility which Google can provide if it dedicates a top spot to your website along with its subpages. Moreover, ads for most people are annoying, and they install an ad blocker on the browser they use. So, you require our Delhi based company’s SEO services Kolkata for better results.

Staying ahead of the competition
SEO is still rising, and more people are gathering information about it. You wouldn’t believe that many are not even aware of the advantages SEO provides to their business. Now if you take the benefit of your competitors not knowing it, and start the process soon with our Delhi based search engine Optimization Company in Kolkata, then you will be ahead of them and increase your business significantly.

If you take the benefit of this time and get a top rank in Google with our help, you will have the most amount of traffic and increase your sales to a new height.

Taking it to the next level
Our Delhi based company’s SEO expert Kolkata can bring thousands of visitors to your website. This is lead to the point where you would require expanding your business for accommodating all the customers which transform from the improved traffic. It is the ideal way to take your business to the pinnacle of success with some assistance from us.

Hiring our professionals is what your business needs to make a name for it worldwide and enjoy remarkable advantages.


Our Delhi based search engine optimization company in Kolkata offers a variety of services to all our customers which would help them in their business. Take a look below!

For organic and unpaid results we offer search engine optimization services to all. It mainly aims at increasing traffic quantity and quality. The traffic quantity aids your website to rise in SERP and traffic quality increase rate of conversion giving you a chance to have more sales. It also means that your ROI improves through this procedure.

It might sound like a simple task but our Delhi based company’s SEO expert Kolkata go through various processes to help you achieve the desired top listing on search engines.

On-Page SEO
This refers to the best practices for optimizing web pages which one can opt for his/her website for improving ranks in SERP. Our Delhi based search engine optimization company in Kolkata offers this service where we use matching keywords and place them strategically in places such as content, H1, Title, Meta description, Meta title, etc. However, this is not all we do when it comes to on-page SEO.

We also use things like secondary keywords, LSI keywords, and more. Also, on-page SEO is much more than just matching keywords. It also involves certain general optimizations such as https usage; page loading speed, content length, outgoing links, and more. Our Delhi based company’s SEO expert Kolkata does all these to offer the ideal on-page SEO results.

Link building
Through this process, we help you get links from other sites to yours. We build a connection for you to have referral traffic which in turn will increase site’s authority.

Backlinks always is a critical factor for search engines determining ranks depending on keywords. So having remarkable links is a strategy which our Delhi based firm’s SEO expert in Kolkata employs for the ultimate SEO. These links are signaling to search engines which show that your business website has quality resource. Hence, we make your site have numerous backlinks for making it worthy and help it to rank high.

Of-Page SEO
Of-page SEO refers to various techniques that are used for improving a website’s rank on search engine pages. Many experts might associate or refer to it as link building; however, of-page SEO doesn’t mean only that.

Of-page SEO deals with two primary things exposure and links. There is no real definition for it. Our Delhi based organization’s SEO expert in Kolkata does their job of exposing the content or website to a wider audience which is the primary object of exposure. Apart from this, there are a few other techniques we use for providing the best of-page SEO results.

Our professionals offer ideas and plans for promoting business adequately. We research appropriately and write contents for social media that will grasp reader’s attention. Also, being in the market for long, JSM Digital Marketing, a Delhi based company’s SEO expert in Kolkata is well aware of key phrases and keywords which would offer perfect optimization.


Since there are a lot of organizations in this digital marketing industry, why you should take our assistance is a common notion among many people. Well, check below to know why our Delhi based firm’s SEO expert in Kolkata is your ideal choice.

First of all, our professionals have decades of experience in this fielded, which makes them the go-to guy for search engine optimization and SEO related services. No other experts will be able to provide a better result than our certified professionals.
Another reason for our Delhi based SEO Company in Kolkata having a vast clientele is the reason amount we charge for rendering our services. We offer the ideal services at the best price in the industry.
Customer satisfaction is essential and is a top priority for us. Hence, we ensure that we keep our customers happy by providing quality work which would yield a positive result for them always.

JSM Digital Marketing, a Delhi based SEO Company in Kolkata unlike any other you have ever had the chance to work with. We are at the top of our field due to our dedicated team of professionals and experience which we gathered while working in this field.

So, if you are looking to increase your business our Delhi based SEO Company in Kolkata is your ideal option!


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