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  • ROI-targeted SEO services that guarantees you high placement
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  • Select from Standard, Ecommerce or Local SEO Packages
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Search Engine Optimisation is nothing but a process by which your website or webpage gets ranked in a search engine. The results are usually organic and unpaid. According to research carried out by SEO company in Jaipur, that each time a person searches for a particular keyword, the following results can be deduced:
The first link gets around 42% of the total clicks
The second link gets approximately 11% of the clicks
The third one gets 8%
And, the fourth link receives a meager 4% of the total clicks. ...

These rankings are done based on a specific set of rules, and it is only apparent that you would like to have a place at least within the first page. Because it is here that you will receive the maximum number of clicks.

SEO Services Company in Jaipur helps you in doing precisely that with our team of SEO expert Jaipur.

There are two points on which our company focuses on, and they are:
Increasing the quantity of traffic in your website, and
Improving the quality of traffic as well

We ensure both of these aspects work together so that you’re Search Engine Result Page or SERP increases. And, on the other hand, you receive an adequate return on your investments.

However, the process is not as simple as it seems. There are various factors at play when it comes to applying SEO.


Analysis of the website:
This is one of the first things that SEO expert in Jaipur does when he/she proceeds with the optimising process. We ensure that your site has relevant content along with proper formatting. We also check whether the content is interesting and whether or not it will be able to attract readers.

On-page and off-page optimisation:
We believe that our on-page and off-page optimisation are done using state of the art techniques. Our SEO expert Jaipur also make sure to incorporate backlinks that are usually ranked high. We will delve into the details of on-page and off-page optimisation later on.

Keeping an eye on the trend of keyword usage:
It is yet another critical factor that we pay attention to. We stay in touch with the latest trend in keywords which optimises websites. It is only after carrying out such researches that we incorporate such keywords in your site so that it ranks high.

Competitor analysis:
Although not as important a factor when it comes to SEO Jaipur, knowing your opponent is always essential. Search engine optimisation Company in Jaipur believes it to be one of the main ways of staying ahead in the game.

Preparing and maintaining a report:
Analysing and preparing a report accordingly, is perhaps the most important of all the factors. This is because it gives us the opportunity to find any loopholes in our optimising techniques, and fix them if there’s any.


On-page SEO

It is the practice of optimizing separate web pages so that it ranks higher in search engines like Google, and also attracts relevant traffic according to the content. As opposed to off-page optimization (which we will discuss after this), this kind of optimization includes both source code and content optimization.

Our SEO expert in Jaipur is well aware of the changing SEO practices that have taken place over the years. It is solely for this reason that they would like to elaborate on specific techniques that will help your website rank better.

Some of the best on-page SEO techniques

The significance of coming up with an appropriate title for your webpage or blog cannot be stressed enough. Just ask our SEO expert Jaipur, and they will tell it is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to ranking.

You should always remember to include the primary keyword of your article in the title. For example, if you are writing about ‘Innovations in car tyres’, it is imperative that you include a keyword like ‘car tyres’ in your title post.

URL Structure:
We always recommend our clients to use the relevant keyword in the URL as this helps in ranking pages higher.

Body tags:
This is a fundamental technique that our SEO company in Jaipur likes to follow. Here we recommend that you divide your webpage into smaller paragraphs. Developing this technique will not only make your webpage more presentable but also make the reader take an interest in what you have written. You can headline under tags on your doc file under different labels such as H1, H2 and so on.

Keyword density:
As you may have heard this many times, placing and using relevant keywords in the right place is a sure shot way to rank better. However, don’t stuff your content with keywords, as this may lead your website to be banned by search engines.

To avoid this problem, our SEO expert in Jaipur has come up with a plan. They suggest using a dictionary or thesaurus, to improve and expand your vocabulary. This way you will be writing about the same thing, but using different terminologies.

Off-page SEO

Contrary to popular belief off-page SEO is much more than just about linking. It mainly includes many aspects like brand mentions which means another website is referring to yours without any hyper linking, is an essential aspect of this kind of SEO Jaipur.

Usually, webpage content writers are pleased when their pages rank high because of on-page optimization. However, you will be surprised to know that the buck doesn’t stop here. Nowadays, things have changed drastically, and our search engine optimization company in Jaipur was among the first to recognize them.

Now, search engines pay more attention to what you do ‘outside’ of your website. According to a current study, it was found that most people use 30% of their time on off-page activities and 70% of their time on-page. But millennial all over the world now recognizes the importance of off-page activities, and the statistics have started to reverse.
Our SEO company in Jaipur has come up with a simple way of understanding this concept. It will be much easier if you think of it this way – more the number of websites point towards your pages, the more preference will it get from search engines.

Here is a list of factors that search engines take into account, outside of your website.

Off-page SEO Factors

As SEO services Company in Jaipur is one of the best you will find, it is recommendable that you take our suggestions seriously. As per our experts, the number of sites linking to you is a significant factor when it comes to ranking.
Our SEO services Jaipur make sure that you get maximum number of links from different domains rather than a single domain.
If you take our services, then we will make sure that that you get links that are relevant to your topic and content. The relevance of links is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to ranking.
We also recommend writers to be careful while using anchor text as a link. Nowadays, search engines consider them as web spam, and this will have a negative impact on your ranking.
Let’s round up this section by going through which one of the two is more important.


Choosing between the two and concluding as to which one is better, is like deciding whether the roof of your house is more important or the foundation.

SEO Company Jaipur considers that you get the best possible ranking only when the two are working in sync with each other. Having said this, we would like to say that it is essential to focus on your on-page SEO first, before moving onto the off-page aspects of things.

This again brings about the comparison we made with the roof and the foundation of your house. We think that focusing on your on-page optimisation will enable you to create a solid foundation on which SEO company in Jaipur can work on to improve the ranking side of things.

Once you complete and create a solid foundation by writing relevant content, then you can move on to the off-page aspect of things. This will require you to maintain your website and visit it from time to time, to follow up on the number of links you have generated.

Now, let’s move onto the benefits of SEO services!


User-friendly website
If you take SEO services Jaipur, then we will make sure that your site not only ranks high but also attracts traffic and increases your conversion rates. In short, we help you in making your web pages easy to read and have access to. This will further enable your website to give relevant information about the types of services you or your company provides. This will also allow you to find the right target audience.

Escalated growth
We also make sure that you get to see fast growth in your business by increasing the number of potential customers. Our research suggests that a company that has a proper website grows at twice the pace of a company that does not have a website. SEO rankings of your site will naturally see a significant rise as well. Just make sure your content is relevant and interesting at the same time.

Diving into new avenues
To be able to stand above your competitors, it is imperative that you have a strong SEO campaign. It is precisely here that we come into the fray. We will ensure that your presence is felt on the internet and also take care of the fact that your promotion gets better and better with time. Always remember that a legitimate promotional campaign on the internet is more than just a viable way to take your business to the next level. Moreover, you will get the morale boost to venture into new avenues.

Enhanced conversion rates
Needless to say, if you take our SEO services Jaipur then ranking on search engine s is the last thing you will need to worry about. And, the most definite result of a fully optimised website is increased conversion rates. That is to say, more people will be interested in receiving your services.

Increased brand awareness
It is redundant to say that the higher your website ranks, greater will be the number of people who will be aware of your presence. Experts, in SEO Company Jaipur will be more than happy to help you in transforming your business into a well-known brand. As a matter of fact, it is one of the hallmarks of SEO Company in Jaipur to help small businesses convert into big-time brands, by providing them with SEO optimised website.



Woo rank
It is a tool that has been recently created in Mumbai. They help website publishers and marketers in gauging how much SEO friendly a particular website is, without charging any money. Every SEO company around the world, including (SEO company in Jaipur), uses this tool. Also, they are entirely free of charge.

Screaming frog
This particular tool again is widespread amongst every SEO company. It helps in performing website audits and also in evaluating onsite SEO.


The reason is simple. SEO Company in Jaipur has some of the most talented SEO experts. We also boast of the fact that we keep in tune with the latest algorithms and keyword trends, which enables us to reach out to a larger client base.


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