(882) 663-9644 +1 (740) 444-4660 +1 (416) 477-8208 jsm@jsmdigitalmarketing.com



  • ROI-targeted SEO services that guarantees you high placement
  • Total compliance to Webmaster guiding principle
  • Select from Standard, Ecommerce or Local SEO Packages
  • Devoted project manager for swift consultation and assistance
  • CompleteTransparency with clients

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JSM Digital Marketing is a Digital Marketing Company that has been around helping business achieve their goals with our SEO tactics, and we are fully established in Edmonton. Our SEO company Edmonton offers digital marketing services such as; SEO (search engine optimization), Google AdWords, PPC (pay per click), social media marketing, content marketing and creation, promotional campaigns, and much more. With our Edmonton SEO services, leads and conversion is guaranteed.


When you explore aspects of managing websites, in addition to web design and user experience patterns, you are going to come across the concept of search engine optimization (SEO): the science of improving a website’s visibility across results from various search engines. If a website is not prominently visible in search results, it defeats the purpose of having a website in the first place. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that your website is easy for search engines to access. ...

Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, help users to find the content they search for. For example, if you have a catering business offering services in Toronto, your site should rank high in the search engine rankings when users search for plumbers in Toronto on Google or any other search engine.


SEO (search engine optimization) can be approached by two ways;
On Page SEO
Off Page SEO

On Page SEO
On-page SEO generally focuses on efficient presentation of content to website users. Adhering to semantics and optimal web page structure are imperative for a site’s success: they result in a site that is systematic and organized and that provides better readability not only for users but also for indexing by search-engine crawlers. Every On- page SEO must have the following checklist for an effective on-page SEO;
Header tag.
Quality content.
Site map.
Page load time and site performance.
Keyword research.
Meta tags and meta descriptions.
Title tags.

Off- Page SEO:
Off-page SEO refers to actions taken outside of your website in order to influence your rankings within SERP (search engine result pages). Optimizing for off-site ranking factors involves improving search engine rankings, website popularity, trustworthiness, relevance, and authority. Off- page SEO is implemented on other reputable places on the internet (forums, people, social platforms) linking to promoting your website and gaining credibility from your outside posts. Building backlinks is at the crux of off- page SEO. Why is this so? Search engines use backlinks as an indicator for quality content, so in essence a website with high value backlinks will rank higher than other websites with little or low- value backlinks. Our local SEO Edmonton, ensures your off-site SEO is implemented to help your website gain credibility outside your website, whereby creating quality content leading to a high value link, that automatically ranks your website higher than your competition.

Here is what we offer when you hire us:

Organic Search
Organic search refers to the methods used to obtain top ranking on search engine results page in unpaid, algorithm driven-results on a given search engine. Methods like backlinking, keyword boosting, and writing engaging content improves your website page rank. Website using organic SEO in its purest form will be much like organisms, meaning such website will experience growth, expansion, adaptation in relation to their reader’s desires.

With our Edmonton Search Engine Optimization, we will do following to bring organic traffic; Optimize your website with top notch content, spread links pointing to the content, incorporate metatags and other types of tag attributes, and much more.

Local SEO Factors
Local citations are brand mentions or reviews that educate users about product robustness or attributes. With our local SEO Edmonton we would make use of the local SEO utilities to understand the pros and cons of your products or services, and implement user feedback. Reviews help you establish a connection with users and understand their viewpoint and concerns related to your business. Increasing interaction with your users will help streamline your business in the long run.

Information such as working hours, updates, and contact information will be provided, leading to better accessibility.

On- Page Factors:
On-page optimization is related to factors that you or your team controls on your website, leading to higher ranking in search engine result pages (SERPS). To have such results, Our SEO company Edmonton will implement the following factors listed below;
• Header tags.
• Meta keywords and meta descriptions.
• Title tags.
• Rich content
• Image optimization with links.
• Social media.
• Internal links

Off- Page Factors:
Off- page SEO happens everywhere but the target website. Inbound link building is the most important off-page SEO ranking factor, but they are other factors that add up to the total ranking factor.

User intent, this factor is based on the user's intent when searching on search engines.

Search engines watch every click as well as how long a web searcher stays on a web page. If the web page is of sufficient quality to satisfy the user they will stay on the page. This is considered credible to search engines that a web page is of high quality relating to the user's intent. Another factor that affects off- page SEO is traffic, the amount of traffic a page receives, especially traffic that is regarded useful because it fulfills the user’s intent, such traffic is important to search engines.

Keyword Research:
Keyword research being among one of the vital factors that affects your overall SEO.

Keyword research is important, because it affects your website overall rankings, if the wrong keywords are used, your website could suffer for this. When using keywords for optimizing your website, it’s good to know that keywords are divided into these categories: Head, Body, and Long Tail keywords. Using the right keyword is vital in every keyword research, so your website can be easily ranked. Our best SEO Edmonton company will conduct keyword research tailored to your business needs.

Content Creation:
Users tend to surf websites that are found on the first page and ranked on top of search engines. Therefore, if your website is top-ranked search result, it reflects credibility and trust. The phrase “relevant content is king" encourages fresh content and this constantly engages users, leading to conversion optimization.

Technical SEO:
So, what is technical SEO? If you think of SEO like building a house, then technical SEO is mainly about building a solid foundation. Or it can be seen as work done on a website without content.

Technical SEO relates to all the SEO activities excluding content optimization and link building. In simple terms, it covers following search engine requirements in order to improve crawling.

Penalty Analysis:
The purpose of a search engine is to bring the most relevant content for a user’s search. So, know if your website pages are broken, outdated or you’re using suspicious to increase traffic, boost your website’s rankings on the SERPS (search engine result page), the search catches on. Depending on the severity of your “crime," the search algorithm will drop your ranking or completely remove your website listing from the results — putting you in penalty.

For reasons like this, our Edmonton SEO Consultant will inspect your website regularly for any cause that may get your website penalized.

SEO Website Audits:
A website SEO audit is a full analysis of everything related to your website’s level of search visibility. A complete and detailed web audit will give you a deeper understanding as to why your site is not generating the traffic you think it should or why your sales and conversions are not improving. An annual SEO audit can help your website stay healthy and grow your business

Note that payments will be made according to our SEO Edmonton price, depending on your web development and design as per your SEO needs.

Website Speed Audits:
Google stresses the importance of web page performance, and its algorithms favor websites with optimal site speed and user experience (UX) design. Optimal Page-loading time counts toward an enhanced UX. Statistics suggest that optimal page-load time leads to more conversions, thereby affecting sales significantly. Page speed depends on several factors ranging from web-hosting facility and website design to the hardware used for that site. In particular, websites that take a lot of time to open on mobile devices are penalized, because they result in a bad UX. Which is why our, Edmonton SEO Consultant, will constantly inspect your website for slow load times, canonical issues, duplicate content, redirects, robot files, tags, internal link structure, and much more.

New Site Audits:
Audits are necessary for your website, because of the constant updates done on search engines, an audited website have certain benefits, it will include all of the current issues the website is facing that is preventing it from doing as well as it could and also a complete assessment of what SEO Edmonton Experts, do to improve the areas that are lacking!

Crawlability Audits:
Crawlability refers to the ability of a search engine to crawl through the entire text content of your Web site, easily navigating to every one of your webpages, without encountering an unexpected dead-end. Bad or broken links are an unexpected and stumbling block to navigating the web. When surfing the web, nobody wants to run into an unexpected broken link, neither does Google. If there are broken links in your website, your customers will be unable to navigate through your pages on your website. Our SEO Edmonton Experts will ensure; other internal webpages on your website links to it, every page on your website should link to your homepage as well as other pages on your website, and much more.


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