+91 (959) 933 9559  +91 (882) 663 9644   jsm@jsmdigitalmarketing.com

Bootstrap Website Packages


4,999 INR

Bootstrap/Static HTML Website

Yes Sign5 Number of Pages
Yes Sign1 Year Domain
Yes Sign1 Year 5 GB Space Hosting
Yes SignFree SSL
Yes SignResponsive (Mobile Friendly)
Yes Sign2 Email Accounts
Yes SignSEO Friendly Website
Yes Sign2 Social Media Integration
Yes SignFTP Login Only
No Sign WhatsApp Chat
Yes SignContact Form
Yes Sign2 Design (Templates)
No Sign Live Chat Integration
Yes Sign3 Months Free Support



7,999 INR

Bootstrap/Static HTML Website

Yes Sign10 Number of Pages
Yes Sign1 Year Domain
Yes Sign1 Year 10 GB Space Hosting
Yes SignFree SSL
Yes SignResponsive (Mobile Friendly)
Yes Sign5 Email Accounts
Yes SignSEO Friendly Website
Yes Sign3 Social Media Integration
Yes SignFTP Login
Yes SignWhatsApp Chat
Yes SignContact Form
Yes Sign3 Design (Templates)
Yes SignLive Chat Integration
Yes Sign3 Months Free Support


14,999 INR

Bootstrap/Static HTML Website

Yes Sign15 Number of Pages
Yes Sign1 Year Domain
Yes Sign1 Year 25 GB Space Hosting
Yes SignFree SSL
Yes SignResponsive (Mobile Friendly)
Yes Sign10 Email Accounts
Yes SignSEO Friendly Website
Yes Sign5 Social Media Integration
Yes SignCpanel and FTP Login
Yes SignWhatsApp Chat
Yes SignContact Form
Yes Sign5 Design (Templates)
Yes SignLive Chat Integration
Yes Sign6 Months Free Support

Please Note: Our plans are customizable to suit your specific requirements, and we offer a range of add-ons to fulfill your needs. Availability of add-ons may incur additional costs to the base plan. Don't worry, don’t you know that which one will success your business online? NO PROBLEM – Talk to your SMO Consultant.

An additional GST (Goods and Services Tax) of 18% will be applicable on all the services.


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