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Tired Of Lower Page Rankings? Start Employing These 10 On-Page Seo Techniques Today

Posted By > Amrit Dubey > 29 June 2018

Disclosure: "This article is personal opinion of research based on my experience of almost 11 years. There is no third party advertising on this page or monetised links of any sort. External links to third party site are moderated by me."
Amrit Dubey, JSM Digital Marketing

Today must be an important day for you as your website is going to be released. You are all excited and mentally prepared to see your website on Google’s first page within a short period of time. Days and months pass by, but your website does not see any improvement in rankings even with all those unique pieces of articles. Then suddenly, you hear about SEO and that strikes a chord. What is SEO? How is it important to your site? There is On-page SEO and off-page as well?

Well, SEO or Search Engine Optimization refers to the techniques used to draw organic traffic to your site, reduce bounce rate and as a result boost your SERP ratings. In simple words, SEO is the key toyour website to reach that page one longs for. It is generally of two types –

  • On-page SEO – activities which increase the readability of your site, thereby reducing bounce rate.
  • Off-page SEO– activities which are performed outside your site that help surge that SERP rating 

While on-page SEO for websites comprise 70% of the activities, off-page SEO accounts for the rest 30%. Now, that you have understood what they are, you must thinking how to apply them. Well, to answer your question, the following points will provide a greater insight on the major on-page SEO techniques:-

  1. Phrasing Page Titles:-

Considered to be one of the most important on-page SEO techniques, each page of your website should have a unique title. This title should consist of the keyword that the particular page represents.

To put it simply, suppose you have written a blog post on tourism in London. Therefore your page title should include keywords such as London tourism or tourism details of London or something like London tourism made easy.

Whenever someone searches for London tourism, chances will be higher of your post getting a higher rank than others.

  1. Use SEO – friendly URLs:-

Phrasing that perfect domain name are somewhat similar to page titles. These also include placing keyword naturally within the address. Suppose a website in New York provides information on dog foods. Therefore, its URL may look something like newyorkdogfoods.com or bestdogfoodsnewyork.com. Google recognizes such URLs as far more SEO friendly than complex or indirect ones.

  1. Domain name trust issues:-

Often websites are seen with domains such as .erg or .fdp. While these websites might have useful information, yet they are seen to get fewer clicks than those with domains of .com or .org. This is because .com being a worldwide known domain, an average net surfer has much more trust on a website ending with .com than with .erg. for example, www.education.com will draw much more organic traffic than www.education.grd. This is one of the primary techniques for on-page SEO for websites.

  1. Meta text and Meta description:-

Meta texts are the ones which appear on the opened tabs and Meta descriptions are the ones written below the titles. Both should make proper use of keyword inclusion in their texts. Meta description, for instance, provides a very suitable area for placement of keywords.

For example, that website on dog foods in New York can have a meta description like,” Our Company provides the best dog foods in New York. Have a look and choose the best.”

  1. Use of anchor text:-

Binding your website using internal links is a great way to improve on-page SEO. Internal links not only allows your readers to navigate smoothly within your site, but it also ensures proper scrolling of all your pages by Google crawlers enabling search engines to find all the pages of your website more effectively.

  1. Using Images:-

Images are a great way to break those big chunks of texts on your website improving readability and also to make your site more visually appealing. It is noteworthy to mention that all your images should have titles. Therefore, it is essential to frame them with SEO friendly keywords as well. Alternate texts and descriptions make images and in turn site more SEO friendly as well.

  1. Body Tags:-

The aim of writing a piece of article for your readers is to enhance readability and does a lot to on-page SEO for websites. A very simple way to do this is using tags namely H1, H2, H3 and H4. While H1 tag is mainly used for headings, H2, H3 and H4 tags are used for subheadings. This is why it is recommended to phrase keyword rich titles because these headings are used by Google crawlers to differentiate more important contents from the other. 

  1. Keyword Density:-

Equal distribution of keywords throughout the content body is vital in making a piece of article SEO friendly. However, the latest updates of Penguin and Panda do not prefer keyword stuffed articles either. Rather, it should be a perfect blend of readability with equal keyword density. Google prefers 2- 5% as a standard keyword density in your article. Moreover, use of synonyms is preferable so as to avoid overuse or repetition of words. 

  1. Content Length:-

Length of your article is another vital point to be taken into consideration. Preferably aim for lengthier contents if possible. The objective is to find a perfect blend of word count and value of content.

  1. Outgoing links:-

The concept of outgoing links is to provide your viewers a deeper insight of the topic by linking your webpage with other sites having related and relevant content. This is seen appreciated by Google and is said to have a positive impact on your websites SEO.

It enables Google to mark your page as something at adds value to readers by providing useful links thereby increasing a website’s readability.

To Sum up:-

Although using each of the techniques alone does not provide avaluable impact on SERP rankings, using them simultaneously and in a balanced way can help your entire site to be crawled by Google more effectively, builds the relevancy of internal pages and increases the importance of your website’s internal pages. So, if you are facing the issues of low page ranking, start using these on-page SEO techniques today and give your website that much required SEO boost.


Amrit Dubey is the founder of the digital marketing company JSM Digital Marketing based in Delhi, India. He’s been working in digital marketing since 2009, focusing primarily on SEO. You can find him on Twitter.

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