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5 Techniques Guaranteed To Increase Ranking Of Your Site Today

Posted By > Amrit Dubey > 29 June 2018

Disclosure: "This article is personal opinion of research based on my experience of almost 11 years. There is no third party advertising on this page or monetised links of any sort. External links to third party site are moderated by me."
Amrit Dubey, JSM Digital Marketing

5 Techniques Guaranteed to Increase Ranking of Your Site Today

A surge in a website’s rankings brings a smile on every site owner’s face. This is what he strives for and all his efforts are focused towards attaining this goal. But the biggest question is, “What is the most important factor to increase ranking?” Well, experts say, the key to getting a promotion in rankings is to increase your traffic.

So, now you must be thinking; traffic is ok, but how to draw people into your site? Well, mentioned below are few key points that will help you boost traffic to your website:-

  1. Long tail keywords:-

Gone are the days when focusing on a single keyword served your purpose. Long tail keywords are relevant phrases that need to be included in your articles or blogs. For example, you have a website on your cake shop in Manhattan. Keywords in your blogs are “cake shop,” “Manhattan” and “cakes.”

While a couple of years back, this would have been enough to increase traffic to your site.In 2017, you need to go about things differently. So, your ideal keywords will be something like, “best cake shop in Manhattan” or “best chocolate cake shop in Manhattan”,for reaching a wider range of search results.

  1. SEOs:-

An effective way to increase ranking of your site is to have your on-page and off-page SEOs in the correct way. While using SEO friendly page titles, URLs and Meta descriptions are important. Again, optimum use of keywords (keyword density) within your article is considered to be a very important factor by Google while ranking your page.

On the other hand, Social Media Promotions, Backlinks and Blogging are some of the off-page SEO techniques you need to start employing today if you want your site to get a boost in site traffic.

  1. Increase ranking through a fast site:-

Ensure your site loads faster. Statistics say that, on an average, a user waits for a maximum of 4 seconds before he switches onto another site. This is known as bounce rate. If your site takes a long time to load, your bounce rate will be sky high and will certainly not help to increase traffic.

Optimum loading time for a site has been found to be between 1.5 – 3 seconds. A site with less loading time will experience minimum bounce rate and therefore more traffic.

  1. Being Social:-

Use social media in the way it is supposed to be used. Do not limit at only sharing your pages on Facebook or Twitter; start interacting. Reply to the comments on your Facebook or Google+ post and involve in discussions held on Twitter relevant to your blogs and articles. Answering queries will draw more people to your site and will also serve as a platform to broadcast your name in the online world. This is an effective way to increase ranking of your site.

  1. Post frequently:-

Surveys say that people who post quality content 6 times a week see a traffic surge of about 18%. Keeping your site updated at regular intervals helps to increase traffic as users like sources with new and up-to-date information.  Commit to this frequency of posting and you are sure to see a gradual surge in your site’s rankings.

Hence, to conclude with:

In order to increase your ranking, you need to follow the above steps. It is noteworthy to remember that your site is for viewers. So making it aesthetically pleasant and keeping it updated is your primary task if you want to increase traffic as well as boost your site’s SERP ratings.


Amrit Dubey is the founder of the digital marketing company JSM Digital Marketing based in Delhi, India. He’s been working in digital marketing since 2009, focusing primarily on SEO. You can find him on Twitter.

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